Here are the answers to ExxonMobil’s #SolveItWithSTEM Challenge. You can find the complete set of home learning packs for children, created by our team at ExxonMobil Fawley, here. You’ll find more brain teasers in every pack!

Q1 Answer: 132. 3×4=12, 4×5=20, 5×6=30, 6×7=42, therefore following the same pattern, 11 should be multiplied by 12 which equals 132.

Q2 Answer: Copper Oxide

Q3 Answer: Tom has £48, Tim has £24. If Tom gives Tim £12.00, they both have £36. If Tim gives Tom £12.00, Tim would be left with £12 and Tom would have £60 (5×12=60).

Q4 Answer: Citric Acid

Q5 Answer: 688. Add the two previous numbers together and times by two.

Q6 Answer: 58. When her first child was born Granny was 19. Second child, Granny was 23 (19 + 4). Third child, Granny was 27 (23 + 4). Fourth child, Granny was 31 (27 + 4). Fifth child, Granny was 35 (31 + 4). So when he sixth child was born, Granny was 39 (35 + 4). And when the sixth child turns 19, Granny is 58 (39 + 19).

Q7 Answer: 55 and 89. You just add the previous two numbers together.

Q8 Answer: C = 25. A = 25 and B = 8.

Q9 Answer: There are 7 × 7 × 7 = 343 large cats. They have 343 × 4 = 1372 legs. • There are 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 = 2401 little cats. They have 2401 × 4 = 9604 legs. • There are 7 girls. They have 14 legs. In total we get 1372 + 9604 + 14 = 10,990 legs

Q10 Answer: 27 triangles.

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